Welcome My Brothers and Sisters in Spirit, and all Expressions of Divinity!

I have had some amazing experiences lately and decided I needed to start writing about them so that I can remember them. I figured I should share them publicly so that others may possibly be affected in some way by my stories. Namaste!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

God and Prayer

I feel this blog moving in a different direction. Recently, I have been feeling compelled to write a lot. Many poems and other forms of written word have been flowing out of me. I definitely go into an altered state of mind and awareness when these "download." I also frequently get chills every time I read back over them...and I learn deeper levels of Truth from them each time. It's been a very interesting experience.

The piece I am sharing here came out of a discussion I was having with some friends online about Religion and Medicine and where the Government's responsibility lies in intervening (or not) on behalf of children whose parents refuse medical treatment for Religious reasons. The discussion turned to the power (or lack thereof) of prayer in physical healing. In replying to some of my comments, someone asked for clarification about my views on God and the role of God in Prayer. Out of that came this piece of writing, the language of which is largely consistent with the teaching of the Science of Mind. I actually started to shiver and my teeth were chattering before, and during, writing it. This is something that has happened to me numerous times when I have felt an influx of energy that needed to release.

Here is the piece:

The Nature of God

My belief is that God has a triune nature....somewhat similar to the Christian Trinity, but also different in some ways.

One aspect is Spirit.....that aspect of God that is Universal Love, Light, Light, Joy, Peace, Truth (not facts) that is the basis for the whole Universe. It is pure consciousness, pure creative impulse; expression. It can be nothing other than what God Is, so there can be no judgment, intolerance, hate, fear, punishment, etc., in the nature of God because they are fundamentally incompatible with the True nature of God....and the presence of those qualities in divinity would cause the Universe to destroy itself, because it would cease to be what It Is. Of course, we humans have free will to choose our experience, so we can make choices that lead to us experiencing the perception of these qualities in our lives.

The next aspect of God could be called Divine Principle, or Divine Law; infinite possibility; the One Mind. It includes the fundamental spiritual laws of the Universe. Much like gravity and other laws of Physics or Mathematics, Spiritual laws (such as the Law of Attraction, the Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Mental Equivalents, Law of Averages, etc. ) work for everyone, all the time, no matter what. There is no petitioning or changing of the Law, only effective and ineffective ways of using it (well, they always work effectively, but misuse will not lead to the desired results). Not everyone understands them and knows how they work so that they may utilize them to affect their experiences in life. So Divine Law would be that aspect of God that ALWAYS says "Yes!"....because it must....it is the 'blind force' aspect of God. It receives the impress of our collective and individual overall thought and emotional patterns and mirrors that back to us by bringing more situations into our lives that lead to more similar experiences. So, there is no such thing as punishment from God.... our experience in life is the inevitable consequence of our thought and emotional patterns. Now, this Law works equally for everyone, all the time, so the power (or relative weakness, or lack of clarity and direction) of our own emotions is directly related to how much control we will be able to embody over our own experience.

Race (or Mass/Group) Consciousness also plays a role.....so the more people that believe something to be true, the stronger your own individual conviction of the opposite Truth has to be to overcome the energy of the Group Consciousness. The other part of this, is that it is contrary to the True nature of God to desire to experience pain, hate, revenge, etc...or to wish these on other people....so the natural result of acting out of alignment with these God qualities will create a sort of "hell" in our own lives, but it is not a punishment, and we always always have the choice, in every moment, to choose a new thought that will start to create new patterns in our lives by using the Law for the benefit of All.

And the Final aspect of God....Form, Body, Creation, Experience.
This is the sum total of everything, every thought, every experience expressed as Spirit, through Law or the One Mind. It includes anything you can see, smell, taste, touch, hear, feel, or experience. Spirit is the Creative Consciousness of the Universe (of which we are each an individual expression) which sets the Law into motion by thinking/feeling into the One Mind, leading to the inevitable result: all Form and Experience.


Each of us is a microcosm of this triune nature, and we all think into the One Mind, so prayer does nothing to God. It only changes the awareness within the one praying. If the one praying is praying for someone else, the person receiving the prayer must actually be open to receive whatever the other person is praying for, or they can actually block the manifestation, or demonstration, of it.

We are not asking or compelling or petitioning anything to happen when we pray. We simply recognize that there is nothing outside of God, the Divine Spirit, and that as a part of the Universe we must, each, also be Divinity expressing. Once we have achieved the shift in consciousness towards this awareness of the Divinity that is us, as us, through us, we simply align ourselves with this Divinity by claiming the qualities of God that we desire to see more of in our lives.....Prosperity, Abundance, Love, Light, Peace, Health, Clarity....anything that is not against the True Nature of God. Once we claim that Truth as ours, in the present moment, we have impressed our Word into the Law, and it will always say "Yes." Now, we create ALL the time, whether consciously or unconsciously, this is just a scientifically proven, tested, logical and powerful way to consciously manifest experiences in our lives. And if we end the prayer and then go back to stewing in the same ol' thoughts and emotions, we will counteract the affirmative energy we created with the prayer. Once we have claimed our Truth and our Good, all that is left to do is be grateful. Gratitude is a powerful manifestation tool as an emotion because it energetically draws to us more experiences that will cause us to feel gratitude. The last part is to release it, *know* that is it already done in the One Mind, and be open to receive the Demonstration of the Law, into Form, as Spirit Expressing. And by release, you must truly let it go. It only takes 51% faith and conviction to begin to tip the scales....but 100% equals instant demonstration such as miracles like the ones that Jesus manifested.

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